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Skywatch BL400 - Wind, Temp, Humidity, Pressure
BLUETOOTH ENABLED WEATHER STATION & WINDMETERS The Skywatch BL range is a complete weather station connected to your smartphone via bluetooth wireless technology. Skywatch BL models accurately measure - Wind speed, - Temperature, - Humidity, - Pressure, and - UV index. Functions Track with automatic recording of measurements and GPS coordinates. Share your measurements Facebook,...
Skywatch Green Wind Anemometer
Skywatch Green Wind Anemometer
The Skywatch Green Wind measures wind speed, air temperature and wind-chill rapidly and accurately. Small enough to bring anywhere, insensitive to dust and shock with a user-replaceable propeller, the newest member of the JDC family is designed and manufactured in Switzerland. Data Displayed Wind speed Maximum wind speed Lifetime maximum wind speed Air temperature Wind chill (perceived...
£53.56 £49.95

Skywatch Eole Omni Directional Anemometer
Designed in Switzerland by the world leader in wind measuring instrumentation, JDC Electronics, the Skywatch Range of Wind Instruments are expertly crafted and beautifully designed. Skywatch Omni-Directional Wind Meters have a 54mm horizontal impeller to measure the wind from any direction. Display: Instant windspeed Maximum windspeed Average windspeed (3s to 24h) Technical specifications: Wind:...
£94.61 £79.95
Skywatch Meteos Omni Directional  Anemometer/Thermometer
Skywatch Meteos Omni Directional Anemometer/Thermometer
SKYWATCH® Meteos is a thermo-anemometer who measure wind strength without worrying about his position. The SKYWATCH Meteos is energized by a replaceable AA battery. The display is made up 99.9 at the 10th, then to the unit. A thread on the bottom plate allows its mount on a tripod photo. Wind-Chill Factor: The Wind Chill Factor is a calculation of the wind effect on temperature. The faster...
£97.28 £89.95